Thursday, August 13, 2009

How to Deal with The Swine Flu Virus as the New School Year Approaches - PART 2 OF 2

What can we do until late October early November when the vaccine is ready to make sure that we and our kids do not contract the Swine Flu Virus.

Click Here to visit the CDC's page on the Swine Flu

I've researched this topic extensively over the weekend and during this week and have compiled a list of 10 Things to do to help you with Swine Flu Prevention. If you are a Parent or a Coach, I highly suggest you go over preventative measures with your kids and or players.

1) Be Vigilant of Surfaces - Be aware of public surfaces that you touch - and do not touch your face until you've had a chance to wash your hands. In School: Be vigilant of door knobs, shaking hands, hello kisses (on the cheeks), etc.
2) Wash your Hands - and wash them often in warm water when possible.
3) Get Enough Sleep - Get at least 8 hours of good rest each night to keep your immune system in top Flu-Fighting shape.
4) Keep Hydrated - Drink 8-10 Glasses of Water each day to flush toxins from your system.
5) Eat Immune Boosting Foods - whole grains, vegetables and vitamin rich fruits.
6) Avoid Alcoholic Beverages - to keep your immune system strong.
7) Keep Physically Active - Mild to moderate exercises will also help to keep your immune system strong.
8) Avoid Sick People - Normally if a friend has a runny nose it's not a big deal - but with the Swine Flu predicted to make a comeback this fall, you should politely avoid sick people.
9) Don't Share- Drinks, Ice Creams, things that have touched another person's mouth, nose or hands.
10) Know when to get Help - If you feel Flu Like symptoms especially with a soar throat and coughing see your Doctor ASAP.

Hopefully this information is helpful and everyone is well during this school year.

P.S. - Can't wait till High-School and Universities start playing.

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