Thursday, February 19, 2009

Memoirs from a Volleyball Parent - Destination Tampa by Philip Littke

Today's guest blogger is a parent of a player on the SDVC-16 team. I asked him to prepare a story for the report on the Tampa United Tournament February 14-16th. He was generous enough to help out even though he is a very busy professional.

We invite more parents out there to do similar stories (4-6 paragraphs with a few pictures). South Florida teams will be competing in Atlanta, Baltimore and Orlando Florida. You can report on your team and some generalities about the tournaments. Please think of this periodical as belong to all of us. The more we share the stronger Volleyball becomes in our communities. Through the report the nation will know the great things we are doing in South Florida.

There is nothing nicer than to see a huge convention center full of volleyball players going through the motions. warming up by playing pepper, or on the court playing their high-intensity games while parents, friends, and team members watch. From any viewpoint, it is rather cool to see so many volleyballs bobbing up and down throughout the immenseness of the convention center.

The view is augmented with the sound (noise?) of hundreds of people talking, shouting, screaming, protesting, and above all else, cheering…almost an information overload for those who have never been to such a place.

This, in turn, is music to all volleyball players who frequent such cacophonies of noise and sight.

This was such the case this past weekend at the Tampa Convention Center, where more than 130 teams from across Florida and the US came together there and at the Tampa University campus, for a weekend full of excitement and camaraderie.

Our South Dade Volleyball Club team comprised of 16 year olds and under, came with the expectations of every single team that showed up that same day, to take home some awesome memories (and even perhaps taking home a trophy, but let's not go into the materialistic sense, ok?).

Logistically, anyone coming for these games must be very patient with parking, room rates, food and liquids, especially for all these starving kids whose metabolism RPM's altogether would power a whole city, and above all else, the girls innate sense of having to purchase the fabulous t-shirts and other womanly garments and volleyball nick-knacks sold at the locale that weekend.

All in all, most of us parents could not make any sense of the team schedules posted near the entrance, and just tried not to look too confused as we tried to figure out which court and when our girls' teams would play. Of course, we would have to end up asking the coach for this information, whereas if we didn't, we would be left cheering the wrong team with similar uniforms at another court for 30 minutes, until we realized out that it was the wrong team and court, and that the person we were cheering wasn't really your daughter! But man, don't they all look alike with those uniforms or what!?

Nevertheless, as we finally watch our daughter and her team play, we get so emotionally involved that sometimes we wonder how some parents that sit cool watching the game, while you are ready, and a split second, to bolt out of your chair and so something maniacal, such as run screaming into the court to pick up your most prized loved one from the floor after she does a perfect dive to lift up a ball, dust her knee pads and kiss on her 'boo boo'! So, with superhero powers, we watch the trials and tribulations of a game well fought out by these determined young ladies, where, at the end, all leave as winners, and the parents, a bundle of frayed nerves.

In retrospect, after a few days back in Miami, I can say that these tournaments mean a lot to me since it gives me a chance to being awe of my daughter. Watching her compete just makes my heart swell and be so proud of her! Of course, that instantly disappears when the ball lands in front of her and she doesn't make an effort to dive the distance and risk several fractured bones and at least 25 stitches on her chin, THEN you just want to strangle that little rug rat!! No really, it is such a sight to see her just play to her heart's content, learning all the skills for a successful life ahead. Meanwhile, we will continue to wear that stained shirt on weekends while doing yard work and will remember that moment on the court forever.

My congratulations to the ladies of all the teams that came and played that day. All of you showed courage and determination, while continuing to turn a deaf ear to your parents while they shouted encouragement to you ("shove the #@#%* ball down her throat!")

Also to the coaches, for leading valiantly your team of young ladies; to the referees, for putting up with us parents and family members, and the organizers, who kept chuckling as they saw us staring clueless to the game sheets looking for our daughters' team court. Awesome weekend in Tampa!!

See more Pictures of the Tampa United Tournament on the Green Sidebar next to this story.

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